Sihun Cha
[ɕihʌn tʃɑ]

I am a Ph.D student at Visual Media Lab, KAIST, advised by Prof. Junyong Noh. I studied Fine Arts as a Bachelor at Korea National University of Arts.

‘How to create and manipulate 3D content intuitively?’ is my overall question. My current research interest lies on generating and editing digital 3D avatar.


Mesh Agnostic Audio-Driven 3D Facial Animation

Mesh Agnostic Audio-Driven 3D Facial Animation

* Kwanggyoon Seo, * Sihun Cha, Hyeonho Na, Inyup Lee, Junyong Noh (*equal contribution)
Under review

An end-to-end method for animating a 3D face mesh with arbitrary shape and triangulation from a given speech audio.

Neural Face Skinning for Mesh-agnostic Facial Expression Cloning

Neural Face Skinning for Mesh-agnostic Facial Expression Cloning

Under review

A method that enables direct retargeting between two facial meshes with different shapes and mesh structures.

Deep Learning-Based Facial Retargeting Using Local Patches

Deep Learning-Based Facial Retargeting Using Local Patches

* Yeonsoo Choi, * Inyup Lee, Sihun Cha, Seonghyeon Kim, Sunjin Jung, Junyong Noh (*equal contribution)
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF)

Retargeting facial expression from a source human performance video to a target stylized 3D character using local patches.

NeRFFaceSpeech: One-shot Audio-diven 3D Talking Head Synthesis via Generative Prior

NeRFFaceSpeech: One-shot Audio-diven 3D Talking Head Synthesis via Generative Prior

CVPR Workshop 2024

One-Shot Audio-driven 3D talking head generation with enhanced 3D consistency using NeRF and generative knowledge from single image input.

Generating Texture for 3D Human Avatar from a Single Image using Sampling and Refinement Networks

Generating Texture for 3D Human Avatar from a Single Image using Sampling and Refinement Networks

Eurographics 2023, Computer Graphics Forum (CGF)

Generating 3D human texture from a single image using sampling and refinement process by utilizing geometry information.

Reference Based Sketch Extraction via Attention Mechanism

Reference Based Sketch Extraction via Attention Mechanism

SIGGRAPH Asia 2022, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)

Extracting a sketch from an image in the style of a given reference sketch while preserving the visual content of the image.

Generating 3D Human Texture from a Single Image with Sampling and Refinement

Generating 3D Human Texture from a Single Image with Sampling and Refinement

SIGGRAPH 2022 Posters

A method for generating 3D human texture from a single image based on SMPL model, using sampling and refinement process.

“Anyway,”: Two-player Defense Game via Voice Conversation

“Anyway,”: Two-player Defense Game via Voice Conversation

* Minki Hong, * YoungJun Choi, * Sihun Cha (*equal contribution)
CHI Play 2021

A two-player conversational defense game that uses voice conversation as an input.


Generating Hyper-Realistic to Extremely-stylized Face Avatar with Varied Speech Speed and Context-based Emotional Expression

Generating Hyper-Realistic to Extremely-stylized Face Avatar with Varied Speech Speed and Context-based Emotional Expression

as a Researcher
July. 2024 ~ Ongoing

IITP starlab project

Skeleton, Mesh, Morphology-agnostic 3D Character Motion Retargeting Using a Generative Model

Skeleton, Mesh, Morphology-agnostic 3D Character Motion Retargeting Using a Generative Model

as a Researcher
May. 2024 ~ Ongoing

Development of 3D motion retargeting techniques that can handle characters having arbitrary skeleton structures as well as mesh connectivity.

Development of Universal Fashion Creation Platform Technology for Avatar Personality Expression

Development of Universal Fashion Creation Platform Technology for Avatar Personality Expression

as a Project Manager
Jun. 2023 ~ Ongoing

Development of universal fashion creation technology and creative platform that enables general users self-expression through intuitive avatar creation

Development of Core SW Technology for Realistic 3D Facial Animation Generation

Development of Core SW Technology for Realistic 3D Facial Animation Generation

as a Software Developer
Aug. 2022 ~ Jan. 2024

Developing the AI model for 3D facial animation and research on motion retargeting techniques between human and character

3D Cinemagraph for AR Contents Creation

3D Cinemagraph for AR Contents Creation

as a Software Developer
Jun. 2021 ~ Dec. 2022

Development of user-friendly content production technology that enables general users to easily transform a single image into immersive AR content where background and characters within the image move and interact with real-world objects.

Development of self-evolving AI Creation Platform

Development of self-evolving AI Creation Platform

as a Software Developer
Jun. 2021 ~ Dec. 2022

Development of user-friendly animation creation platform through analysis of user input keywords and images for single creators